Too good NOT to share.
My brothers and sisters in Christ I want you to know that I care about your souls enough to share these truths with you:
- You don’t need JavaScript to make a web page.
- You don’t need JavaScript to write styles.
- You don’t need JavaScript to make an animation.
- You don’t need JavaScript just to show content.
When web development started to move away from jQuery towards Angular, React, Ember, Vue and all that shit I made the conscious decision to stay away from front end development. Well, I already made the decision after struggling aligning elements in all web browsers with CSS.
I’m glad I made that decision.
Simplicity is unsophisticated and lacking in many parts. The simplest solution to a problem is always the best solution. Choose simplicity. I’m begging you. Your future is begging you.
This goes with all of programming. It’s rare someone makes a clever solution that doesn’t immediately turn into “technical debt”.
Hey, I was in a similar situation at that inflection point but veered into PHP application development and couldn’t quite get away from the front end. Let me tell you: CSS Flexbox and Grid are amazing. AlpineJS is “just the good parts” of jQuery. You can go back now. Check out 11ty.
Front end is basically anarchy, anyway. Give me my Django back end development and leave me alone.
No we don’t need it. But is it better if we use it? Like, you don’t need OOP for implementing literally anything either.
When you hold a hammer everything looks like a nail. Just because it’s useful in some cases doesn’t mean it’s always the best solution.
The article mostly rants about front end devs using unnecessarily complex solutions for simple problems. Like using React for generating static web sites.
I feel like this is more like a hammer vs bare hand situation. If the point is there is a place and time for everything (except VBA) then I agree.
extending the list
- You don’t need JavaScript to build web pages
- You don’t need JavaScript to publish web pages
I concur.
Nested CSS obscures complexity
An interesting point. Something I will take with me for observation and consideration.
Maybe sometimes it’s worth despite it and other times not.
The author has an article on the problems with nesting.
which is me. I’m the author.