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After Sunday‘s European elections, the EU is planning to reintroduce indiscriminate communications data retention without suspicion and force manufacturers to allow law enforcement access to digital devices such as smartphones and cars.

Specifically, according to the 42-point surveillance plan, manufacturers are to be legally obliged to make digital devices such as smartphones, smart homes, IoT devices, and cars monitorable at all times (“access by design”). Messenger services that were previously securely encrypted are to be forced to allow for interception.

The secure encryption of metadata and subscriber data is to be prohibited. Where requested by the police, GPS location tracking should be activated by service providers (“tracking switch”).

The EU Commission has already contributed specific proposals to the surveillance plan, according to two presentations obtained by the Pirates.

Make sure to vote in the upcoming elections!

    4 months ago

    it is conservative/ right wing parties pushing for heavier surveillance of citizens.

    My experience is totally different, although of course I don’t know the situation in whatever country you’re from.
    Arguably, the main reason for surveillance (being able to read your communication) is to be able to censor you (prevent you from posting/saying things somebody else doesn’t like) or even punish you for something you say.
    And I don’t see how can anyone argue that it is not the left that wants to censor everything and punish people for things they say :)

    If somebody wants to actually try arguing it, please answer the following question (in parentheses I’ll leave the suggested answer 😉, but let me know if yours are different)

    • Why is almost every free speech site is a right-wing site, and not a left-wing one? (because they are extremist, and we need to censor and jail them! but it is okay, because they are the bad ones and we are the good ones.)
    • Is it okay to criticize alphabet people (and call them alphabet people ig 🙃), post statistics of violent crimes by race, and generally speak bad about minorities? (nooo, you can’t do that, we should protect minorities no matter what the reality is, you should be censored and jailed!)
    • Is it okay to tell people what is actually happening in Ukraine and what atrocities Zelensky’s regime is committing? (nooo, you can’t do that, you’re a fascist and/or russian bot/propagandist, it’s all a lie even if you provide us with credible/primary sources, we should censor you as soon as possible for propaganda or misinformation or something and definitely jail you!)
      3 months ago

      Your views are at odds with reality.

      I know you won’t but you should step back and reconsider the media you consume that has lead you to these misconceptions.

        3 months ago

        Your views are at odds with reality.

        And surely you are able to point out what exactly am I wrong about? :)