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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • In atleast 3 distros I wanted to add program at start-up, easy peasy on windows , Linux is mess , some has gui for that but these three distorsion HAD ZERO option for it and I still don’t know how to do it.

    In windows i want to serch for here is program installed, so easy to know and find . In Linux I had to fight multiple terminal commands ( in 2024 no less) and ev n then indid not come across whwre is the program installed

    In Linux I plugged in hdd and wanted a program to acess its content, turns out I can’t do that without mumbo jumbo or wv n with it Whwre as in windows , inplug it and VOILA! I can access it across anything.

    Linux MAY be good at something , but it still sucks for real Common usage.

  • I came in to say bravo, Since day 1 on Lemmy i been hounded by Linux dude bros , whenever I say Linux is not possible I been down voted to hell.

    Even as simple thing as putting a program in start-up is hassle and varies depending upon distribution, and I went on rabbit hole just like you said.

    Even the friendlier(?) versions like pop os and zorin in 2024 and no where near to use ability as windows 95 is.

    The worst thing is use of command/terminal , I simple just don’t want to use it at all, but not possible to do that STILL in Linux and dude bros keep telling me this is essential and their grandparents are using mint. This is believable only if they surf Internet and not do anything extra at all, that too since flash is dead , cause I have first hand experienced that I had to play with multiple command lines and what nots just to get YouTube working on Linux .

    Linux is not ready to be used in home setting not unless it simplifies further as much as windows does AND has lot ofnsoftwarws availability. Think of something and thwr is software for it on windows , hardly the case for Linux ANY DISTRO.

    now we await on Lemmy , for Linux dude bros to come out and defend Linux with 4% usage and down votes.

  • Alborlin@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldGoogle Photos Alternative
    9 months ago

    Hi thanks for your reply. I have laptop with external drive that i use as server at home. Ideally as easy part1 i would only upload pictures home, and would access them home only. This is not a public intelltual property, it’s our photos so no public IP needed.

    What i am looking is

    My and familys phones are getting full of pics and videos, so instead of using Google Photos can we upload it our own server at home easily and wirelessly. If need be we can watch them on tv . That’s it.

  • Hi is there a guide for Complete Newbie like me , right from how to download this software(I could not find link or anything resembling.exe for installation,) upptill how doninput it on my zorin os laptop and setup my and my familys phone to upload photos to our own laptops via immich. Like a a book idiots guide to xyz… Kind of thing

  • Alborlin@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldAverage Lemmy Active Users by Month
    10 months ago

    It’s sometimes unbearable on Lemmy. I have stated that using Linux is very hard for noobs and it’s not useful still for general audience. I have got so many downvotes just because of this, you won’t believe. It feels like community is Linux users , who are acting as nerds or are nerds, and they are somewhat inclusive of outsiders. Lemmy feels like a club for only the so called intellectuals and they want to barr regular person getting in. This is also evident with Lemmy worlds or alternative of subbreddits. If you try to find some they still don’t exists. Further Lemmy is very hard to understand , even I struggle to understand how it works. But the access to different Lemmy’s is good, via boost app. The Lemmy worlds though they don’t look as polished as Reddit does but that’s cause Lemmy is evolving. So in summary Quality of posts, strong sense of non inclusivity by lemmye’rs , understanding of how Lemmy works and old feel of Lemmy are the reasons is keeping people out.