I’m screenshotting this post and this comment to send to my signal group chat
I’m screenshotting this post and this comment to send to my signal group chat
One of the most poignant comments I’ve seen on this is it’s a ploy to draw attention from his PAC and other negative media
Right, like they don’t really have many AAA, the main thing holding this back is firmly the OS. I just truly don’t get it
I hit data caps somewhat often. Mine is a terabyte a month, I tend to pirate a bit, but I also really enjoying messing around with technology so its not uncommon to spin up half a dozen PCs with different OS a month, Steam transferring data on a local network has been a godsend for games. To avoid it I often download things on my phones data or on a public WiFi like the gym and then SFTP it. If I hit the cap I will call and ask for the fee to waived, threaten to cancel, social engineer and usually get it thrown off the bill