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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024


  • Theres people arguing here that AI gened CP May not be that bad at all cus its fictional.

    I wanna blow my actual fucking head off, genuinely. This ain’t even the realm of lolicon anymore. Just straight up, realistic cheese pizza.

    If that’s the case then sharing of all that AI Taylor swift porn should be fine too cus its fictional. It may be of a real and public figure, but it’s not REALLY her nudes!! Idk man- eughhhhhhh, all this rubs me the wrong way, no pun intended

    Imagine just looking at an online AI gallery and seeing literal AI CP, just out there, public, free to use. It gives me the impression that people only care about child abuse or CP once it involves a real child, not that its general existence is an absolute endangerment to real children if they happen to get caught in the crossfire; that allowing people to fester that content as a “Coping mechanism” instead of getting help may just normalize shit like this or desensitize people to that kinda content. Like imagine stumbling upon that shit and seeing porn AI gened porn of someone who looks exactly like you, adult or child. Even worse if that person who made it knows you. Again- not real art, AI. Idk man- again it just all make me feel sick and queasy…

  • An outlet they need is fuckin therapy, not sex robots, tf.

    Idk maybe im fucking crazy for that but if I got an urge to murder specific types of people and my “outlet” is roleplaying it or using a videogame to do it. I should probably seek some fuckin help. Not keep doing it. It doesn’t matter that it’s not hurting anyone. It’s unhealthy, doesn’t actually help them, and could escalate into them doing even worse things.

    Keep in mind, 1st person shooters or violent games deadass dont count. Intent matters. I can say “yea I love driving over people in GTA, its funny af” and thats fine, but if I confess that I enjoy targeting certain types of people in GTA; that I like attaching personalities or life stories to them, and then talk about how I like to find different ways to kill them slowly because x, y, and z. That I don’t do it as a joke but because I get a genuine kick out of it; That’s a cause of concern, cus I know some people that did shit like that and turned out to actually have mental issues and thoughts of harming real people.

    Like I get this is an issue some people are born with, but at a point, shit like that becomes a problem. Especially because it’s porn. To me, Porn in general is just a slippery ass slope. No I don’t wanna start fuckin crucifying ever non-offending pedo I see, i ain’t that kinda person. But for the love of god, can we normalize them getting REAL help instead of these “alternatives”. I just feel like the more you involve yourself with a fantasy bot, the more you’re gonna forget that this isn’t how real people work and the more the line between fantasy and IRL can get blurred.

    I mean idk man- im slow, maybe I got it all wrong I truly don’t fuckin know some times. But this is just how I feel, and its fucked up to me that shit like child abuse roleplay just goes unchecked like that or that the people that do this kinda stuff should go unchecked.

  • Why tf are there so many people okay with people roleplaying child sexual abuse AT ALL??? Real or fake KEEP AN EYE ON ALL OF THEM.

    I dont care if its a real child or a fucking bot, that shit is disgusting, and the AI is the reason how some pedos are able to generate cp of children without having to actually get their hands on children.

    The fact someone will look at this and go “Yea but what about the REAL child rapists huh??” Is astounding. Mfcker if a grown ass adult is willing to make a bot that is promoted to act like a horny toddler, then what exactly is stopping them from looking at real children that way.

    Keep in mind, Im not talking about Lolicon, fuck that. I’m talking about people generating images of realistic or semirealistic children to use as profiles for sex bots. I’m talking about AI. I’VE ACTUALLY SEEN PEOPLE DO THIS, someone actually did this with my character recently. They took the likeness of my character and began generating porn with it using prompts like “Getting fcked on the playground, wet psy, little girl, 6 year old, 2 children on playground, slut…”

    Digital or not this shit still affects people, it affects people like me. These assholes deserve to be investigated for even attempting this kinda shit on the clear net.

    And before you ask, the character that belonged to me looks really young because I look really young. I got severe ADHD which makes me mentally stunted or childish, and that gets reflected in my OCs or fursonas. This person took a persona, an extension of me PERSONALLY, lowered her age on purpose, and made porn of her. That fuckin hurts dude. Especially after speaking about how close these characters are to me. I’m aware it could be a troll, but honest to god, the prompt they used was demonstrably specific and detailed. Some loser online drawing kanna’s feet hurts me way less than someone using AI to generate faux CP and then roleplay with those same bots or prompts. What hurts me more is that there’s no restrictions on some AI’s to stop people from generating images like this. I don’t wanna see shit like this become commonplace or “fine” to do. Keep tabs on individuals like this, cus they VERY WELL could be using the likeness/faces of REAL children for AI CP and that’s just as bad.

  • Im not about to sit here and tout the game that gives Lugia a gun as a game better than Pokemon, fuck no 😭😭😭

    I’ve changed my statements (see above) about the lawsuit but this game is DEADASS just a higher quality newgrounds game similar to “Mario with a gun/bazooka/truck”

    A shitpost is a better way to describe this. I simply refuse to look past the quirky, cartoony, 3d monsters HOLDING WHOLE ASS GLOCKS n RIFLES, to suspend my disbelief just enough to enjoy whatever this game has to offer. It hits these levels of Uncanniness with me that I severely dont like and bothers me for whatever reason.

  • Palworld is just one of them Newgrounds games where its Mario but he’s got a Bazooka or some crazy shit.

    Whenever I run into someone with a Palworld Oc and their telling me about it, I cant help but feel like their offering me some kinda fake/knockoff Balenciaga; for lack of a better comparison. Like it looks like Lugia, flaps like Lugia, but this “thing” aint Lugia. Its- I dunno its just weird as shit.

    Its an uncanniness for me, that’s why I hate it and it feels wrong. My mind sees Jigglypuff with a pistol and I’m violently taken out of the scenario. Its just so- Fuckin weird man I cant describe it. It aint natural 😭😭

    The best way I describe it is that Palworld is the Alternate Universe version of Pokemom, only it exists in this universe and in this timeline and it weirds me out.

  • I still really hate Palworld.

    It reminds me of that PETA parody I played a long time ago called Pokemon Black and Blue. It was pokemon but they were abused or some shit.

    Thats what Palworld reminds me of, Its pokemon but I can abuse them if I want to and thats just kinda fucked up IMO… Not something id wanna play :/ It all reminds me of those fangames people would make where Mario has a gun or a car or some other wacky ass Item that’d only exist IRL. the fucking pink Meowth with an AK-47 makes me ponder why this even got as popular as it did. but whatever- this is all still my opinion.

    This game also reminds me of that one Steam game thats basically Animal crossing (But you can kill people with guns) I think its called Virst Winter??? I cant remember… It just looks mega silly to me- I dont like having to look at a fake-Lucario with human hands holdin a glock. Its goofy- I cant take it seriously 😭😭😭