yeah thats why I said it only has the chance, not that it leads to good code
yeah thats why I said it only has the chance, not that it leads to good code
The only thing that has the chance to prevent unmaintainable garbage code is a plethora of linting rules.
JSON would be perfect if it allowed for comments. But it doesn’t and that alone is enough for me to prefer YAML over JSON. Yes, JSON is understandable without any learning curve, but having a learning curve is not always bad. YAML provides a major benefit that is worth the learning curve and doesn’t have the issues that XML has (which is that there is no way to understand an XML without also having the XSD for it)
My work laptop has Windows installed, but I use VSCode and WSL or EC2 Linux instances solely for my work. VSCodium would not work with that workflow because it lacks the Remote and WSL functionality
Yeah, fuck that. It’s perfectly fine to build a GUI that makes things a bit easier, but make the GUI so that it resembles the fucking workflow. I hate that when I want to automate something thats super easy in the GUI and it takes AGES because there is no equivalent to what I’m doing in the GUI
I just googled “BASF T-Shirt” and immediately found the one he is wearing in this video (and he wear it in a couple of other videos recently)