• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Most people don’t even know VSCodium exists so that makes perfect sense

    What would make sense is that people who know what VSCodium is answer the survey while those who don’t refrain. Then you would see fairly identical scores for VSCode and VSCodium.

    What this survey demonstrates is that people express opinions about stuff they know nothing about.

    VSCode has a better selection of extensions.

    True. I’m aware some extensions don’t work in VSCodium. But I’ve yet to run into one myself.

    Having said that, I’m not a VSCod(e|ium) user myself, so it’s not like I’m a specialist I’m forced to know enough to support my users, and what I’ve seen of VSCodium so far is that it has almost zero downside for the invaluable upside of not feeding data to Microsoft.

    But naturally I’m a Vim user through and through, and we Vim / Neovim / whatever VI clone floats your boat don’t need no Microsoft-made Electron resource pig to do our work, as you well know 🙂

  • Well I’ve only given Neovim a spin for a few hours, but it’s been nothing but an exercise in frustration. Yeah syntax off works in vanilla nvim, but it’s replaced by treesitter commands if treesitter is enabled. And treesitter is really, really invasive and aggressive when it comes to highlighting and transparently rewriting what’s on the screen.

    So basically, without treesitter, it’s like vim, only more annoying to configure because init.lua is wildly inconsistent. With treesitter, it breaks my workflow at best (but I suppose I could get used to it) and it silently modifies what I see on the screen vs what I’m actually editing at worst, which is a hard no-no for me.

    I think maybe if I configured treesitter from the ground up, I could manage to make it leave my text alone, keep the regex-based syntax highlighting which suits me just fine, and only make treesitter suggest things - which is the only feature I wanted to try Neovim for really. But it’s just not worth the incredimazing complication. I’ve survived just fine without smart hinting from vi for decades, so I can easily do without it.

    But hey, thanks man 🙂

  • Okay so…

    I reinstalled Neovim 11 from scratch. ~/.config/nvim/ is empty:

    • I start “nvim Makefile”, type “test:<ENTER”: Neovim inserts a tab.
    • I start “nvim Makefile”, type “:se noautoindent” (or “:se noai”) then “test:<ENTER>”: Neovim inserts a tab - i.e. Neovim ignores noautoindent
    • I start “nvim Makefile”, type “:se indentexpr=” then “test:<ENTER>”: Neovim does NOT insert a tab: that works!
    • I put “se indentexpr=” in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim, start “nvim Makefile”, type “test:<ENTER”: Neovim inserts a tab - i.e. it ignores the statement in init.vim. But it doesn’t ignore other statements in init.vim: if I put “se bg=light” in it for instance, the background does indeed show up as light.

    So it seems the crux of the issue is that init.vim isn’t parsed properly.

    EDIT: but putting “filetype indent off” in ~/config/nvim/init.vim seems to do the trick. Thanks for the hint! This is a lot more complicated than it needs to be 🙂

    EDIT #2: “:syntax off” doesn’t turn off the syntax either. Well, I’ve had enough. Back to plain old vim…

  • I tried issuing the commands inside Neovim itself, just in case it was a configuration loading issue. They don’t do anything. It’s maddening.

    If you want to reproduce it, open a Makefile type a target, ENTER, and no matter what any autoindent setting is set to, the next line is indented by one tab, as if writing the recipe for that target. Nothing I do by hand, inside Neovim, after it’s loaded and ready to use, will change that.

  • I’m not using anything at the moment.

    My intention was to give naked Neovim a spin and make sure it performs how I like Vim to perform. Then once it covers what I consider the basics, I was planning on layering kickstart.nvim on top of it and customizing Kickstart to my odd tastes.

    The problem being, my odd tastes include:

    1/ ABSOLUTELY NO AUTOINDENT. I hate autoindent with a burning passion, in all circumstances

    2/ Must work in an 80-column terminal, meaning no line numbers - or at least line numbers that can be disabled. I’ve survived 40 years without line numbers, I can go on without them a few more 🙂

    Right now I’m stuck at 1/ without even having installed Kickstart. I’m not installing it until I manage to disable autoindent. And I still haven’t found out how to do that, so I’m back to vanilla Vim for now because I have work to do.