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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I thought the same, but it’s at the cost of real artists who are struggling to survive in a harsh market, so it still hurts. Sadly, this man isn’t unique. There are many Spotify listening farms listening to fake artists with AI generated songs just over 30sec which is the minimal listening requirement to get payed. And Spotify does nothing, as they get more money too.

    I can appreciate a well performed scheme or crime, but only if it steals from the rich and big corps. In this case, it steals from honest artists who give us amazing music while mostly being under paid on a regular basis, with the exception here and there.

    Stealing from the poor is really low. Only the biggest assholes are capable of doing that. (looks at all the billionaires)

  • YouTube had a very well working algorithm. Because of the echo chamber effect, they turned it off with the goal to prevent the echo chamber effect. Creating an echo chamber platform isolates people even more from reality. At least YouTube is trying to push as much content as possible, how junk it may be, but at least it’s less of an echo chamber then it used to be, and less like Twitter any other weird place where extremists unite. I loved the YouTube algorithm as I was able to find amazing unknown music based on my preferences. But I take it that’s all fucked up now, because it’s better for society. Isolating and alienating people is dangerous. People need to see different perspectives. Otherwise it won’t be different from a cult or dictatorship. One sided information to radicalize. We already have enough nut jobs on this marble, please, let’s continue to confront them with reality and prevent others to follow them otherwise we’re all fucked. Trump has already been president, we’re still stuck with Xi and Putin, India just re-elected a dangerous idiot, Elon keeps getting away with all his lies, schemes and crimes, Netanyahu is free to continue his war crimes, European countries are turning further and further into the extreme right because of fake news and dangerous idiots. All they need is followers and to get that they need a medium to isolate people into their propaganda.

  • Yeah, in settings under site settings you can disable JS. You have full control on what websites are allowed and what not. There are loads of privacy settings and visual customization options to make it truly your browser. It’s also the best browser for desptops imo. I love the gesture function and the hot key search options you can make. Like for instance, I linked the imdb search bar to “I” key, so when I type I the address bar “I poor things” it will search ‘poor things’ on imdb. The only extensions I have on my pc are YouTube sponsor block and Proton pass, my password manager. The more third party extensions you have, the more your data is sold. Nothing is for free. We are the product.

    Edit: only downside is that it’s chromium based. Fuck Google.

  • I don’t have a TV. I have a beamer as a screen for my PC, playing media with Kodi from my NAS, which runs Radarr (for movies) and Sonarr (for series) to download using usenet. I don’t have to give consent for the stupid agreements from streaming services, I’m not limited by them either, I don’t have to pay 10 different services to see everything I want. I pay for usenet, VPN and indexers. My VPN (Proton) blocks ads, trackers and malware. I watch YouTube using the Grayjay app (including sponsor block). I live ad free. I have more rights, freedom and access by piracy then I would have by paying those fucked up companies.

    I don’t want to pirate, I want an honest transaction where I pay just money so I would own the content I bought. Instead I have to pay money, agree to have no rights, give all my personal information which they are free to sell, all for limited access to watch content I do not own. Fuck that. Piracy it is.

    Whenever I see an honest company providing a decent service, I gladly give them my money. Even if it’s kind of expensive. They deserve to exist. I gladly pay for quality. Like Proton for example. Larian studios, I wish I could give them more money. They deserve every penny I payed for baldur’s gate 3, I even bought the useless deluxe pack just because they deserve it. It Takes Two is a game I pirated. It is so good, I wanted to purchase it to support the devs. It was on sale, so I waited for the sale to end before purchasing it. Sadly it’s not on GoG so I still do not own it, because with Steam you just pay for access to a game you do not own.

    I only pirate to avoid asshole companies and ads. I do not wish to pirate, I feel forced to do so.

  • Here in NL the ISP’s are refusing to give client info to the government due to privacy policy, giving a big “go fuck yourself” to any agency trying to convict internet pirates. A judge needs to sign for an ISP to release information on soneone, which only happens with large criminal cases like drug sales and child porn distribution. The fight to change the law so ISP’s are forced to release all client info has been going on for years and years now, constantly ending in favor of privacy. ISP’s are asshole companies lurking for your money, but at least they protect client privacy over here.

  • Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. For Mars I agree it’s not possible with the insane delay, unless AI will be able to automonously repair, something which might be possible in the future. But for the moon it would be much cheaper to remote control repairs. I’ve seen what surgeons can do with remote controlled machines for precision surgery. The delay still might be annoying but maybe that can improve by using laser instead of radio waves.

    Cars are mostly, if not completely, built by precision robots. Why not have a precision robot replace and lubricate parts on the moon?

    But first we need to find a way to mine on the moon in the first place. Regolith is extremity nasty stuff, nothing survives long with that tiny sharp dust. The people who went to the moon complained a lot about it. It gets everywhere, it sticks to every surface and shreds everything. There’s also the radiation, micro meteors and extreme temperature fluctuations.

  • Awesome argument to justify anything. Fuck logic, let’s do it because we can! Genocide? We can do it! Invade a country because Vladi tells us to? WE CAN DO IT!

    Seeing the amount of down votes, I guess some Musketeers made it to Lemmy too.

    Seriously, give me any supported argument why it would be beneficial to send humans to the moon (and Mars) instead of just robots. (other then “we want to be faster with humans on the moon then the Chinese”, I do get the second space race although it doesn’t make any scientific of economical sense.)

    Don’t get me wrong, I see the value of moon mining, mars mining, asteroid mining. I’d rather see us mining those the the fragile ocean floor. It just makes no sense to use humans with the technological expertise we have right now.

    We sent humans to the moon, because the computer used on the Apolo rockets was as fast as a Playstation 1. We didn’t have the tech to send a self landing drone.

    Now we have several self landing drones on Mars, outlasting their life expectancy way further then anyone could have dreamed of.

    We are so far with our technology, yet bringing humans to the moon brings us back to the '60’s while costing us billions more then needed, funds we could use for robots to do an even better job for us with less risks.

    Please, come with a supported counter argument, I’d love to see a different side. But anything like “because we can” just isn’t anything I can understand or support.

    The argument of “sitting in pods eating from feeding tubes” is a weak argument. We have home delivered groceries and our entire world is being automated so that’s exactly what we are focused on. If you find a way for a factory to replace 10 workers with an automated machine, they’ll tell you “shut up and take my money”.

    Again, I see the benefits of mining rare metals and ice (fuel) on the moon and other celestial bodies, just not by humans in person as it complicates everything exponentially, with a fitting price tag.