FOSS enthusiast and anime fan.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • CoC and Nerd tree are popular plugins, but I personally found CoC slow (on a 7 year old laptop) and I’ve switched to using coq with neovim’s native LSP (helped by LSPconfig) and I’ve always used Chad tree by the same author.

    A couple of other plugins I commonly use are: fzf, vim-polyglot, auto-pairs, nvim-treesitter (this has many IDE’s beat IMO), vim-which-key, lualine.nvim, nvim-web-devicons, barbar.nvim, gitsigns.nvim, rainbow-parentheses.vim

    You can also set scrolloff and sidescrolloff to something like 99999 to keep the cursor centered.

    For the rest I have Shift+hjkl for 10 line jumps and Ctrl+hjkl for jumping between panes. You might want to increase your keyboard repeat rate (I have a timeout of 200ms and a rate of 70Hz personally, but that might be a bit fast for you), some hardcore vim users may also like to swap caps lock and escape, but I had mixed results with that.

  • I highly recommend you give it a shot, it’s a modern day programming language with high level features and the speed of C that encourages memory safe code and gives you the option not to if there is something you need to do that doesn’t adhere to its rules.

    Rust can be verbose at times though, but it helps make sure you know what a function takes and how it returns data. It even has the fastest regex library on the planet thanks to it’s extensive type system.

    If you want to get started their book has you covered and will guide you through the basics, or you can try rustlings for a more hands on approach.

    Lastly I will recommend you check out “no boilerplate” on YouTube if you want a nice video series on the various things in rust and how they are there to help you.