• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I work in a company with other people. it’s not a good idea to have an idea where you have to specialise in a range of things to be successful. I specialise in programming.

    also, those benchmarks translate to better user experience which means they actually use our product, and lower hosting costs.

    frameworks and patterns reduce bugs and let us create features quickly. it’s important, if you think it’s pointless maybe it’s not for you. if you want to go do a startup instead, good luck.

  • I just made a github action that merges anything updated in master into feature branches automatically. you get pinged if there’s a conflict but the automerge keeps drift to a minimum so it’s less common and fixed sooner.

    better than merging poorly tested/reviewed code.

    and yeah, a small team of superstars doesn’t need reviews so much, but most teams have a range of devs with different levels of experience and time working with particular parts of a large codebase. Someone more senior or more expert derisks people picking up tickets and improves code quality.

    it also leads to plenty of good conversations about the best way to implement, so overall it’s a win.

  • yeah the issue honestly is how much someone else has to read to understand your code. it’s weird because the whole article is about making readable code for the next person and he never stops to address the fact that leaving 10x as much code to read might also make life more difficult.

    I feel like he just wanted to make a point about how it’s nice to make types immutable and suggest other techniques can be worth implementing too, which I agree with, but honestly his premise is a trainwreck.

  • I did that once when I moved from one DB IDE to another and didn’t realise the new one only ran the highlighted part of the query.

    there were thousands of medical students going through a long process to find placements with doctors and we had a database and custom state machine to move them through the stages of application and approval.

    a bug meant a student had been moved to the wrong state. so I used a snippet of SQL to reset that one student, and as a nervous habit highlighted parts of the query as I reread them to be sure it was correct.

    then hit run with the first half highlighted, without the where clause, so everyone in the entire database got moved to the wrong fucking state.

    we had 24 hourly backups but I did it late in the evening, and because it was a couple of days before the hard deadline for the students to get their placements done hundreds of students had been updating information that day.

    I spent until 4am the next day working out ways to imply what state everyone was in by which other fields had been updated to what, and incidentally found the original bug in the process 😒

    anyway, I hope you feel better soon buddy. it sucks but it happens, and not just to you. good luck.

  • use it for home assistant. I’m astonished because my test install from years ago on a pi that’s around 7 years old is going with no intervention aside from updates. it’s crazy robust.

    for a while my laptop was slow and I needed a test local environment rebuilding with webpack so I set up a newer pi that ran the Dev servers so my laptop didn’t choke. I’ve got a better laptop now.