While I don’t agree with your first point from my experience, the second one is very true. Especially for memory consumption, your typical Java app easily occupies five times as much as something more bare metal.
While I don’t agree with your first point from my experience, the second one is very true. Especially for memory consumption, your typical Java app easily occupies five times as much as something more bare metal.
I think there’s sauce on your screen.
Just because it’s not possible on a Turing Machine doesn’t mean it’s impossible on a PC with finite memory. You just have to track all the memory that is available to the algorithm and once you detect a state you’ve seen already, you know it’s not halting ever. The detection algorithm will need an insane amount of memory though.
Edit: think about the amount of memory that would need. It’s crazy but theoretically possible. In real world use cases only if the algorithm you’re watching has access to a tiny amount of memory.
It always depends on which existing tools you have access to. Go back some more years and there is no GPS. Detecting the bird will be the easier problem then.
I’m using the leptos framework (Rust) and really like it so far. Not a single line of JS, not even npm as a dependency in that project.
Also for these animated status line texts that were supposed to show what’s being loaded currently.
tl;dr Language evolution and future outlook are big factors besides the existing language features themselves.
I guess Rust has attracted many C++ devs because C++ is painful and there were no other/better options. Rust comes with a build/dependency management system and memory safety guarantees on top of the type safety. Even though C++ templates are still unmatched, I prefer Rust 95% of the time. C++ is evolving very slow and it’s extremely hard to participate. Rust will win that race eventually.
Python has been around since 1991(!) and it took a looong time to build the community. It was a niche like Nim is now for many years.
I’ll definitely keep an eye on Nim because it has the potential to become quite popular.
Again, that’s all just my opinion.
I have to disagree with your “when use what” list. Python has production ready web backend frameworks, Rust is perfectly fine for complex and high-level software, and PHP is mostly obsolete. That’s my humble opinion though. I looked into Nim and like many of the concepts. It’s quite complex and I prefer Rust most of the time when Nim would be an option. I’d argue it’s some kind of “jack of all trades”. A bit like python but compiled, ref-counted, and probably a lot faster. It’s lacking the huge community python has though.
I think the dependencies might actually be a problem for the “one binary fits all” solution. For a simple binary the user is responsible for the external dependencies. If by any chance you’re using Arch, there a package in the AUR.
That’s actually not a bad idea. There are a few downsides to this like the binary being quite big compared to the classical “one binary per architecture” style. I’ll give it a though. The docker image is pretty small btw ;).
Sorry for the double response… I got an error the first time I hit Submit.
My favorite feature of good old reddit (rip)! Makes me feel right at home.
This is the way! There’s a catch with swap files on encrypted disks and hibernation but that’s quite a special case. Edit: forgot to mention zswap, the compressed version of swap.
I agree. If I want to see “VIPs”, influencers, ads or other crap like that I can still register an account over there. Also Meta’s track record is horrible…
sftpgo is a nice project to host files in a secure way without too much hassle.