“I want to say, in all seriousness, that a great deal of harm is being done in the modern world by belief in the virtuousness of work, and that the road to happiness and prosperity lies in an organised diminution of work.” - Bertrand Russell, In Praise of Idleness

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • Isn’t this like really really low effort fake though? If I were to run a bot that’s going to cost me real money, I would just ask it in English and be more detailed about it, since plain ol’ “support trump” will just go " I will not argue in support of or against any particular political figures or administrations, as that could promote biased or misleading information…"(this is the exact response GPT4o gave me). Plus, ChatGPT4o is a thin Frontend of gpt4o. That error message is clearly faked.

    Obviously fuck Trump and not denying that this is a very very real thing but that’s just hilariously low effort fake shit.

  • First of all, if you want to have a genuine argument, don’t go out and throw sarcastic nonsense right out of the bat. You’d be pretty pissed if I said that you don’t care about freedom of speech and that you suggest a total authoritarian society. I know that that’s not the case and so should you.

    And second, who decides what’s harmful enough to ban? Should we ban anything that is harmful? Or should we only ban things the government deems harmful? Pretty sure many countries still consider LGBTQ communities harmful so if that’s the case, they should be banned.

    You don’t get to decide who’s being harmful and who’s not (Should I also make clear that I’m not advocating pedos sharing CSAM or such criminals?). If you are the admin and you want your community to be certain way, please, by all means. Governmental ban? Hard no.

    Also, if you ban them, they don’t disappear just like that. If anything, the worst of them migrate and find somewhere else and make it even worse than it was. It’s about addressing the root causes. Educate people, don’t just push the problem out of sight. That’s where we’re failing. Let people realize that racists and nazis are below 60 IQ bigots and let people make fun of them. That’s how freedom of speech should work.

  • Elon is full of shit but banning “propaganda” sites sets a dangerous precedent. Who decides what qualifies? It’s a slippery slope to censorship. It just sends a wrong message to whoever in charge.

    Better approach: Promote critical thinking and media literacy. Empower people to evaluate information themselves.

    Free speech isn’t always comfortable, but it’s a foundation for a healthy democracy.