Press X (formerly Twitter) to Doubt
Press X (formerly Twitter) to Doubt
Preeeetty sure it’s actually that robot that goes “Danger, Will Robinson” from Lost in Space.
You’re a cool OP. Have an upwardpointingarrow, sir or madam
When radiation exposure levels increase (realistically), we get more health problems like skin cancer, not everyone suddenly changing body parts like that.
Besides, it would require something tremendous to change our “base-10” counting system. Not only is it ingrained in our culture worldwide for centuries, but it’s practical and easy to use.
A single row of ads would be ok, but having this many plus an ad showing up first, where the search results should be… Oof
You’re flipping it in 2 dimensions, the trick is to do it in 5!
I think you could’ve worded that better, but even then, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, since you don’t exist before you’re born, so “negative lifespan” is a weird thing to say.
But fun fact, genetically female babies develop all their egg cells while still inside the womb, so at some point the egg cell that became you was inside your grandma.
Pre-signed. Can’t wait for the release!
Even if one has phased it doesn’t mean the centering will have aligned to the perspective of the right vibration intensity, obviously alluding to the fact that the crossing of the horizon of one’s self is not independent to the will of the resonance