Ban them all.
Well first we kill all they lawyers Investment Bankers.
Then all the lawyers.
as would the gravitational interactions that would yeet them out into the big, wide galaxy.
Please stop using slang words in professional writings. It’s embarrassing.
Ads suck, but the type of ad is what is sucking the most. All I’m getting are ads for get rich quick schemes. You never see big name brands advertise on youtube anymore.
what, women don’t shave their coochs? (coochiii? what is the multiple of cooch?)
I must have won the silicon lottery because I’ve had no issues with my 13900K
No. What actually needs to happen is for companies to give GOOD FUCKING CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! Try getting ahold of a real person at Amazon for example. I ended up cold calling the delivery company that handles local deliveries to get a phone number to talk to an actual person.
The next time i called they had turned that number into a robo call center…
Just don’t buy HP. Problem solved.
Bit of a side note, but why did they go with CSAM, when CP is quicker and easier to say/type?
The only thing VPN’s are good for anymore is hiding torrents. That’s it.
Hunh. And here I thought they couldn’t get any worse than when they had call centers taking orders from the drive through…
It’s already happening. Alot of manufacturing has moved from China to India already.
Anyone ever sometimes think, that there’s an alien species that kinda feels a little paternal towards us and keeps fixing out Tonka Toys because it makes us happy?
Np offense but so what? nothing you post on there is going to change anything, anywhere. You’re shouting into a vacuum.
You guys are getting close to it though. With your “Two Tier” system, You’ve slowly almost choked the public side of health care to death.
TBH the bigger problem is, even if we did have full funding, we just don’t have the necessary amount of trained physicians. There would still be a backlog.
I have no idea what any of those words you just type meant…
I have no idea what any of that meant.
Could anyone explain the attraction of discord? To me it’s UX is atrocious.