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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I think he always believed his own hype. Heck there was a point where I was somewhat into his hype.

    Though I never liked Tesla’s interior design philosophy of “just put all the controls on a giant tablet and call it a day”

    Truth is we didn’t know enough about him to gain an opinion. So imaginations ran wild. I mean there are people who have been saying how bad he was since the whole PayPal thing. It’s just those companies weren’t big enough at the time for it to gain any gravity in the public eye.

    Then Tesla and spaceX happened, and people thought what he was doing was awesome, because a lot of it was and it was easy to look past the parts that weren’t.

    Now however the fact he can’t keep his mouth shut and has become a twitter addict has kinda ruined our public opinion on him. If he had just stayed quiet and not bothered with the whole buying twitter thing, people might not care much about him. And the Epstein stuff and affairs and shit didn’t help him one bit. He’s right to mistrust the media - that shit is like a gourmet breakfast for them.

    Basically he revealed himself in the public for what he truly is. A cold blooded greedy ass tycoon with an ego the size of the planets he’s trying to colonise, with a modern style nerd-hipster science theming and old school conservative ideals.

  • I would totally go with starlink, except I really don’t want to support musk with my money.

    Sure the idea is good, but if a competitor were to come out I’d rather go for that. Same thing with Tesla.

    Plus where I live in Adelaide we have the ability to get FTTP if we paid them to run the fibre from the curb to the house, but our current 100/40 plan is adequate for our needs.

    That said if it’s the only option, I understand that.

  • I’ll agree with you that a server needs moderation or administration staff in proportion to its size. Wether those staff are all volunteers or paid depends on the overall budget of the server.

    But I don’t think office space really makes any sense For a decentralized platform like this one - the only place that makes sense is for the actual lead developers of the software that the platform runs. And even then with the WFH culture of today I think even that is not likely to exist.

    As for server administration, the most I could really see is a regular online meeting to keep interests aligned as well as a staff audit log for the server owner to review. And Lemmy already keeps a public audit log anyway.

    As for your last point I wholly agree with you. The whole point of federated systems like mastodon and Lemmy is to move away from the for profit system so we can avoid enshittification. It’s meant to be a method of spreading the cost across multiple smaller nonprofit organisations. And hopefully we can avoid it and therefore make the platform better.

    That being said, the only thing that prevents a corporate entity from joining in is the instances and their federation policies themselves.

    The only other way I see parts of the fediverse become for profit is if an existing non profit turns for profit, which is really only a big deal if it’s one of the larger instances. And as for how the rest of the fediverse deals with that. Well it’s again up to individual server owners, and the collective decision they may or may not make.

    I’ve always said a social system that isn’t socialised is not a social system - I mean it’s in the name! And the fediverse is really one of the first major attempts at doing that. Wether it lasts or not we’re sure to learn a lot and if it fails, we can take those lessons and try again.

  • Given the fediverse is a not for profit, any advertising campaigns would have to be fronted by someone who wants to pay for it. It’s not that we can’t do advertising campaigns, it’s just we can’t use the money people dontate to keep the servers running for marketing, because people expect that money to be used in making sure the server exists into the future - it would have to be a separate donation soley for marketing it, or maybe some rich person could decide to pay for marketing in full.

    On top of that, we can’t let sign ups exceed to amount we get from donations - that would kill the server or force the server owner to shut down sign ups and, worst case if they happened way too fast- the owner remove some of the more recent signups, which would reflect badly on said owner.

    In other words, if you want to advertise it, go ahead but don’t expect anyone else to contribute cash to help as marketing a open and donation based system like this could have its consequences.

  • Every tech platform started out with these types of users.

    The big corpos that succeed however realise that these initial users are usually the ones who are often also the first to get pissed off and leave - they aren’t here because people are there, they’re there for other reasons. So they start a campaign using those people as the bait, for the more regular users that are more likely to go where the party and people is - “hey look, were popping off here, come join us”

    Once the initial userbase is in the minority, they have a rock solid userbase and are unlikely to die due to users fleeing - they’ve built a resistance to an exodus the likes of Digg, so they can now do riskier and riskier things without fear of losing their people.

    As for if fedi follows this pattern, it might but it would probably take longer as there’s no company to push that campaign. It can really only grow through word of mouth and whatever reporting the media decide to drum up.

    In the fediverse, those types of advertising campaigns are up to the individual instance owners, and honestly, should probably be avoided due to the fact that a rapid increase beyond donational support is likely to kill the instance or turn it corpo - I especially not recommend this for the larger “main” instances, like, as they don’t need a larger % of users compared to the rest of the verse than they already do.