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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Dude I wish. I’d love to be able to point you in the right direction but getting this all working for me was just the product.of determination and posts / videos from all over the place.

    I can tell you that adding proxmox to the equation made things way more complicated. And that vlans are not intuitive.

    My advice would be to just kind of go for it. I ended up needing a smart switch, a mul5i nic pace card, a regular switch, and two access points (you could get a vlan aware access point but I couldn’t find anything that made sense price wise).

    The whole thing took days to set up. I frequently didn’t know why things weren’t working. It sucked.

    You can pm me if you get stuck and I can try to give you a hand buy the frustrating truth I learned about the process was that I was kind of on my own since every set up is kind of unique based on your hardware.

    I’m glad its done but doing it frankly sucked…

  • You’re misunderstanding my use of the phrase.

    I’m using it in the context or immersing in something you have no understanding of. I just dove right into and skipped most of the intro type stuff.

    You’re using the phrase to talk about relative complexity / difficulty not how I’ve usually heard it used but it makes sense.

    Like. Most people learning python start with hello world. I spent too many hours learning to own hot encode a 500gb dataset of reddit porn and tweak stylegan 3 a bit to train it on porn. None of which is remarkable objectively but there were a lot of very basic things I needed to learn to finish the task. That’s what I mean by jumping in the deep end - throwing yourself into something you are probably poorly or il equipped for and just figuring it out as you go.

    There is a deep end of coding complexity of course, but, different kind of deep end.