At the very least, the keyboard functions for power.
There is plenty of room on the front for a power button. Should have removed the headphone jack.
Lol, lmao.
At the very least, the keyboard functions for power.
There is plenty of room on the front for a power button. Should have removed the headphone jack.
Lol, lmao.
It’s kinda cute
Don’t associate men with us furries! We’re way more respectful.
It is, if that’s what you follow.
Yeah, because they own the rights to the name. If only I ran Fox News… damn them.
I’ve stopped caring about Apple so much, that I forgot to look forward to September. This year flew by.
…It’s actually a much better alternative, I can’t even lie.
Spray-on shoes!
Didn’t we only just start getting 2TB microSD?
I actually just started working on a post, and wouldn’t you believe it!
“And that’s great;! But nobody’s as weird as I am.”
The first half is intended to be an exclamation, but the rest of the sentence is spoken neutrally. It can’t be split into two as leading a sentence with “but” is bad practice. It just doesn’t look right any way.
Ah, if only we had a line above a comma…
It’s just an exclamation or question mark combined with the purpose of a semicolon; Not quite ending a sentence, but also changing the tone midway through. It’s situational, but I’d absolutely find it useful.
Emphasis isn’t always possible with every utility, but a simple Unicode addition would work well for a variety of software, as well as be easy and readable on paper compared to underlines (especially if there’re words below). It’s also more accessible if you can’t draw straight lines to save your life. Like me.
And if you’re using software that doesn’t support formatting?
Exactly this. If you know what a semicolon and question mark/exclamation point’s purpose is, then you know how this punctuation works. The best tool is that which requires no manual at all. Occam’s Razor, or something along those lines.
I have been posting examples under other comments
Have you tried handwriting italics? It’s not fun.
Writing is as much a form of stylistic expression as any other medium.
I use these often, but it doesn’t solve a sentence being split into two distinct tones. A “!?” mark is useful for when you’re effectively shouting a question, but it’s not the instance I’m referring to.
That’s horrible. I want you on my design team.