some mf named like cum-sock
Excuse me? My family BUILT this country!
some mf named like cum-sock
Excuse me? My family BUILT this country!
The existence of “echo chambers” is debated by scientists. It really doesn’t matter who you hang around with, you’re going to disagree with people.
The echo chamber is overstated: the moderating effect of political interest and diverse media.
Tweeting from left to right: Is online political communication more than an echo chamber?
How are they still in business? Every single farmer, bar none, has to know about their business practices
Wendover Productions has a decent video on John Deere’s market dominance. tl;dw It’s by cutthroat capitalism of course.
John Deere has bought out all their competitors and continues to do so. Every single breakthrough in farming equipment technology in the last decade is owned by John Deere. As a farmer, you either choose to sign a one-sided contract with John Deere or you use outdated inefficient equipment that John Deere hasn’t purchased the patent rights to. Or, of course, you sell your farm all together. Large corporate farms don’t care much about the John Deere contract since they have the power to negotiate a better deal. A lot of small farmers have been making the choice to sell out.
Soon, all farming will be done by one megacorp, buying their seed from Monsanto, using John Deere equipment, and cashing in a ridiculously fat subsidy cheque from the government.
I had to create an account on a government website. The website didn’t list a character limit so I used a password manager to generate a 32 character password. My account was created but I couldn’t log in. I used the “forgot my password” option and I received an email of my password in plain text. I also noticed why I couldn’t log in. The password was truncated to just 20 characters. Brilliant website! Tax dollars at work!
My guess is he wants to monetize the onlyfans posters. “Subscribe to my subreddit for $5 a month!”
I made one called “crash_bandicoot.exe” that opened the windows calculator in an infinite loop.
Same here. There’s nothing tying me to Windows other than that’s what I already have installed. Microsoft already announced a forced upgrade to Windows 11 next year. If I’m being forced to change my OS anyways I’m going to pick a Linux distro.
Just writing words doesn’t make it legally binding. Anyone who reads this comment owes me $1,000,000 USD.
OP is a troll. Do not feed the troll.
It’s not satire! Torovoltos used telnet to hack into my iPhone and instal an mp3 virus known as Songs of Innocence
This is my understanding too. Historically we refer to time periods where life was different. People in the 1500s lived differently than people in the 1800s. It’s mostly technological advances that separate time periods. There used to be large gaps of time before technological advances caused changes in society, but that isn’t the case anymore. The 1980s were much different than the 2010s. People who were born in those time periods have much different life experiences even if they’re close in age.
The question is about “superpermutations”. The permutations of 1 and 2 are “12” and “21”. A “superpermutation” would be “1221”. It contains the numbers 1 and 2 as well as all permutations of 1 and 2. However “121” is also a superpermutation of 1 and 2. It also contains “12” and “21” and it’s shorter than “1221”.
The problem is finding the shortest superpermutation. Stand-up Maths has a video where he interviews a mathematician that published Anonymous’ solution. So yes, there is a math paper where the main author is “Anonymous 4chan Poster”.
Or post your question with a picture of Kurisu Makise saying “you should be able to solve this”
That’s how they got a 4chan user to post the solution to an unsolved math problem
It doesn’t make much sense.
When a high court makes a decision, all the lower courts need to follow it. If a high court says anyone on trial for murder must be tried as an adult, then all the lower courts need to follow that rule. It is incredibly rare for a high court to make such a broad rule though. Usually their rulings are much more precise. Like: on trial for murder, over the age of 15 and shows at least 4 of the following 12 signs of maturity: has a job, has a driver’s licence, etc…
This was a case where their ruling was incredibly broad and had no conditions. They literally said “we are adding ‘frozen embryo’ to the legal definition of ‘child’” and just left it at that. This means all courts in Alabama must consider frozen embryos to be children when ruling on cases, which of course has a lot of practical problems.
Already people have pointed out that in vitro fertilization has effectively been banned. All IVF clinics in Alabama are currently closed. Republican law makers cheered this until it was pointed out that IVF clinics create babies. They aren’t abortion clinics. Now they’re scrambling to re-legalize IVF in Alabama. So yeah, all the old men in Alabama have zero clue about what they’re doing. They just like ensuring everything is considered a child because that’s what Jesus wants.
Don’t be jealous that I’ve been chatting online with babes all day.
The Alabama ruling was specifically for one case. However, they made a very general ruling which could be used to argue all kinds of things that make no sense. The court even acknowledged this but said something along the lines of “it is not this courts duty to determine other cases”. Essentially “The clinic is being sued for wrongful death of a child and they argued this law doesnt apply to frozen embryos. We have decided it does and the case can move forward. We acknowledge this sets a terrible precedent but we don’t care. Also here are some Bible quotes because the Supreme Court of Alabama uses the Bible for legal arguments and somehow this isn’t religious law”
My favourite part of this is needing to pass a time range between now and the end of the universe
Demotivational posters and rage comics
That TLS handshake went hard