Also, it’s older than Rock and Roll. It’s from a time when big sound meant more band members, but the current music ecomony doesn’t seem well suited to supporting acts with lots of members. I long for asignificant fourth wave ska revival.
Also, it’s older than Rock and Roll. It’s from a time when big sound meant more band members, but the current music ecomony doesn’t seem well suited to supporting acts with lots of members. I long for asignificant fourth wave ska revival.
Duckduckgo is basically just bing results. But, I still use it for the bangs and lessened tracking. Being able to search any engine from the same search bar is remarkably convenient.
You don’t need insane hardware to get started with Plex, but you’ll soon realize why some go a little nuts with it.
I understand that people are scared of “new” math, but for a 1989 birthday just take the last too digits of the current year, add ten, then add one if you’ve already had a birthday this year, e.g. 23+10+1=34. Almost the same math I used to count change when I worked retail.
Are you writing to Google drive directly from the cli? If so how? I regularly need to search, edit, copy, and paste to and from my notes; backup config files; save a neat little script I wrote; etc. all from the CLI. It would be awesome to have this searchable and online from a web browser too for when I’m not working in the terminal. For example, piping an error message to a file and grabbing/sanitizing that error to search later. I have ways, but their all a lot clunkier than simply have a Dropbox. I’m basically looking for something that works just like Dropbox, is not self hosted, and not as cumbersome to setup as NextCloud and the like.