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Cake day: April 1st, 2024

  • Anyone else confused about how these bombs are actually detonating? Articles say they are detonating via a text message sent 3x in error, theoretically causing either a spark or a “closed circuit” like a different article explained. The article (from al jazeera) says they have to look at the message but there’s video of one igniting in a bag.

    I’m curious because I think these pagers may actually constitute a public safety risk, similar to how heavily landmined areas risk exploding even decades later on someone unrelated to the initial conflict.

  • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    20 days ago

    It is engagement farming for absolutely zero reason.

    So what? Should we ban people posting memes too? Should we ban the engagement system/up vote system? Like what’s your point here? That people share ideas and thoughts? Wow, what news.

    The astronauts in space are a big deal and the latest development had SpaceX rescuing them which is why that person brought it up. They weren’t bringing up Boeing originally, they were bringing up the astronaut story since it all ties together. If SpaceX is grounded, how will they get those astronauts?

    And then the next person points out that Boeing and most CEOs tend to feel like worker deaths are the cost of business. That’s pretty apropos when talking about those astronauts getting stuck up there. Worker solidarity and all.

  • Yet if a hairstyle doesn’t change people, why is gender affirming care so important? Why does balding affect people so much? Why do actors and actresses become distressed playing certain parts?

    I didn’t edit that part of the post. I don’t use terms like “brainwashing.”

    Religion has been used for a long time to get people to endure harm. Buddhist monks are able to self immolate for example.

    What do you think the self is, then, if it is neither a soul nor strictly physical?

    There are aspects of personality in the entire brain. There’s no single area of the brain that’s only “personality.” That’s not how it works. The brain has SYSTEMS that connect together and light up when you do anything. Including when you use your body and limbs. These neurochemical and electrical systems go off in general patterns and perhaps that is a person’s “personality,” but then that means dismemberment, visual cues, trauma, all affect this neurochemical system and thus “personality.” It’s not separated like I said. Mind/body split doesn’t exist.

  • I never said “you’ve been brainwashed.” That was your strawman. Quote where I used “brainwashed.” I literally said “propagandized.” Idk why you acted like I said otherwise.

    Have you ever worn a costume or played a part in a play? It absolutely affects your ““self”” to wear different haircuts etc. Wearing a George Washington wig feels different than Morticia Addams.

    If you had cancer, did you go to those support meetings? Do you remember the type of speech that happens around getting better? A lot of that is to instill a survivor sense of self - the cancer diagnosis itself causes people to feel like they are dying as part of their identity often (not trying to mansplain cancer here, sorry) so these support groups help with countering that identity with a different one.

    Yes, souls and something being separate from our physical shells feels comforting because it means we can conquer death.

  • I think philosophy is nonsense if it is not based in real world examples. Hence why philosophy and math pair so well together- small exceptions prove the rationale is wrong, or might show how consistent it is. I wish more scientists and engineers learned philosophy for this reason.

    Brains don’t work exactly like how they taught in middle school. Your sense of self involves certain structures in the brain, but it’s a system or network of electricity running through several parts that makes it. That system of parts is affected by your body and external stimuli. So yes your very sense of self is affected by your body including your vagus nerve and microorganisms in your gut. Even something like anaphylaxis from an allergen touching your skin can cause your brain to go haywire.


    It also depends what you mean by sense of self. Eg people can look in a mirror and not recognize themselves, but still have a very stable internal set of responses we’d call a “personality.”

  • This isn’t true. We have multiple cases of people with very low brain volume who acted pretty much normal. We have cases of people losing limbs and other body parts who have parts of their brain die and/or reconfigure (including conditions where soldiers get their arm blown off and feel like their arm is still there gripping the grenade etc). Hell, even people who lose weight or get surgery lose/change their sense of self, or even a bad haircut. Someone like Stephen Hawking definitely felt like a different person before versus after their illness. If you don’t think a physical disability gives you ego death in a longer route, idk what to tell you. Spend some time at a hospice, go to a paralympics.

    Your brain IS your body. Everything your body does affects your brain. They are not separate systems. That you’ve been propagandized to believe otherwise is so you’ll fight in a war and not mind dismemberment. Also the existence of a soul or self outside of a physical body is so you don’t mind dying. We have no proof things things are separate or that there’s a soul.

    Your finger has corresponding neurons in your brain that will die if it goes missing. It’s not so laissez faire. Yes, brains are neuroplastic and will heal over time, but what happens to your body very much happens to your brain. Including stuff you see, which is why seizures can be triggered by lights and why people can develop PTSD from videos they see online.