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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • My personal solution was to just drop computers/tech as an major interest, and find some other hobby. I found language learning to be a good alternative, because:

    1. You may be able to use it professionally.

    2. It might be useful when traveling.

    3. You can meet interesting people from various parts of the world and very often for free (language exchanges (online or not), playing video games, etc.).

    4. You are able to absorb other people’s massive culture, that might not be popular in your part of the world.

    5. You might impress some people with language skills, if you care about that.

    6. It is good for your brain.

    7. It is fun.

    As for computers, I mostly use them as a tool nowadays, and occasional video gaming and YouTube watching. I mostly don’t care about AI, or any other technological marvel that isn’t proven yet to be useful, maybe except AR and VR which I still hope will be a big thing in the near future. Especially AR.

  • Stuff likes this me think that modern technology is glued together random shit that somehow works, or at least as long as you are using your phone like a zoomer or a normie which only scrolls Facebook. The moment you do something that is not done by >90% of users, you will only encounter random fucking bugs and freezes (although these also happen when normally using an app, see YouTube Music in which it takes forever to load the library while offline completely making downloading songs completely useless).

    I have a moderately new mid (mid-high?) range phone (from 2021) and it’s crazy how often software freezes or just glitches the fuck up, despite of running on a device that’s probably millions times faster than a computer used to launch people to the fucking moon. In no period of history the technology was so unresponsive as nowadays. I think it just went worse from mid 2010’s (or maybe even earlier) onwards.

  • Lol, the person who wrote this is delusional. This shit have been already debunked, and if I remember correctly Andreas himself said that he might have handled the situation differently, but in the end he did a good thing and suppressed malicious person with theirs political agenda doing nothing to make an actual contribution, but instead focusing on very minor language issue.

    These kind of people are causing no more than a trouble in open source community trying to force people into thinking there are problems that need fixing when in reality they do not exist, just to boost their ago or who knows what (I certainly don’t).

    And come one “a fascist”? “a nazi”? Do people not know the meaning of these words anymore? He have never said anything regarding being pro or anti any identity (sexual or not), let alone bashing anybody for that matter. And even if he did, it doesnt’t make him a Nazi, but probably “just a misogynist and transphobe”.

    And in fact why would saying “he” instead of anything else mean that someone is far-right in the first place? Or in fact what does it have to do with transexuality?

    I must say as a person with mostly left-aligned views, some people on the left are living in some alternative or made up reality, because things they say have little to no logic. Or it’s just a nonsense made up only for the purpose of having excuse for hate. I don’t know exactly but this needs to stop. For greater good.