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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • You cannot call slapping on an external storage device “upgrading storage”, WTF are you on about? Are you just completely unaware of what a *ridiculous* solution that is to a problem that the OEM _intentionally_ created?

    Oh I am very aware of how annoying and hostile it is to users: I repair computers, including macs.

    I didn’t write upgrade, don’t twist arguments or it’s bad faith. Adding TB4 drives to a workstation is just normal in the industry, don’t take it out on me. In that situation it’s no big deal, and yes all the gear is expensive to an amateur.

    We are getting off the original point that someone trying to break into an industry has to hew to the existing standards, and those standards often use FCP ProRes files so you better give in. While your tone was contemptuous and dismissive, you seemed a little curious about why that might be. I have tried to address that.

    Suggesting that a young professional trying to break into a decent paying job in the media production industry would use a chromebook or any version of linux for production is a non-starter.

    If a Framework workstation (I had no idea they made one, thought it was all laptops) runs something other than Linux or Windows, I am curious what it could be.

    Still, if you had to provide support for a wide variety of everyday users, I suspect your opinion on ‘user-friendliness’ would shift. Even Mint is problematic for most users as soon as they are required to step out of basic admin production. Windows is worse, unless you fully bend over for MS.

    Now I have to get back to ungluing a shitty battery out of a shitty macbook., hidden by sleazy little pentalobe screws.

    [Side note that “botched” means incompetent or clumsily made, i.e. intentionally broken.]

  • I thought we were talking about media production but your goalposts are over there in the playground.

    Botched means I asked for more industry standard production files and you gave me something else, because you don’t understand ROI in industry. Equipment is cheap compared to time. Just use the tools the job requires.

    I used to teach guerilla filmmaking back in the day of “desktop video is the next big thing” so I see where you’re coming from, even if you hide your ignorance about the work behind ideals. Knock yourself out learning to edit with a cheap gaming rig and the free version of Resolve, make cool stuff and upload, start a wedding video business.

    But get work in a large production as a contractor? The tools are cheap compared to time and amortized quickly in taxes. Buy the tool the job requires. Skills should be platform agnostic.

  • Our local high school cafeteria program has been running a sophisticated version of this without the biogas element for years. Fish in very large tanks feed the leafy greens hydroponics growing in ranks of pipes on the walls, it’s very productive. Greens get used in the popular cafeteria (open to the public) and also the salad food truck they run in the summer months. Fish used are tilapia. Power is solar.

    The students studying food services get a lesson in energy systems and food sourcing as well as running a business. Superb food, too. All mostly due to one chef-teacher with vision.

  • Yeah, but that’s just it, there is no one thing that fulfils all your needs if you are forced to use a particular tool, but it lacks privacy or freedom or other features.

    I use chrome because I have to and also am curious and I need to know about how Google runs its shit. I run Firefox because of various features it has that are good for web development. I run Safari because it is fast and relatively private outside of the Apple ecosystem And has some great developer tools.

    The effort of one keyboard twitch to move from one browser to the other is not really any amount of friction for me. It’s easier than switching from one tab to another inside the same browser, so I don’t get your fixation on a single tool.

    And as a PS, I won’t touch Brave with a 10 foot pole anymore because of their Fuckery with crypto.