It wasn’t why Mastodon. It was why Twitter or twitter-like apps.
It wasn’t why Mastodon. It was why Twitter or twitter-like apps.
Can you guys help explain it to someone completely inexperienced?
I had Twitter but only used it for following music venues to see upcoming events and bars for happy hour updates. I have a Mastodon account but only played with it for a few minutes because i didn’t really get it. I don’t understand following a person. What can one person have to say that i would care enough about to download an app. What am i missing?
They just remember that shit?
Ohhh. Yeah. That makes more sense. 🤦
“I want a sandwich but i can’t afford one. I guess I’ll go watch porn and hire a prostitute.”
I don’t understand that.
I’m more worried about dying of some completely treatable illness, either because our politicians pretend it’s not real or because I can’t afford the treatment. I’m also concerned about using all of my retirement savings to live, dying broke, and having nothing to leave to my kids, who will likely suffer the same fate.
Hypothetical arguments I’ve won…
I wanted to do one but i was worried about offering them a food source near my house and then taking it away. My mom had squirrels in her attic and it was a pain the the ass to rid and repair.
Have you seen the squirrel made jack-o’-lanterns? Apparently you drill holes and fill them with peanut butter where you want the eyes, nose, mouth.
I need to do some research on this
Like a baby or a murder?
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
ETA- I don’t think burial is the proper disposal if you’re trying to avoid detection.
Thats probably it. I’ve been pretty busy dealing with a poop butt.
Huh. I would say my mower is shitty or a pain in the ass, but it would never occur to me to say shitass. Maybe it’s regional?
Hello fellow Texan. Load 20 friends into your truck and take them to vote!
I didn’t know what either of those mean.
I think the soap leaves a grit in my sink. My husband does woodworking though, so it could be sawdust.
I have family in Streator, IL, home of Clyde Tombaugh, so we’re die hard planet pluto.
I thought Glenn Beck was satire. Watched it several times and then one day … wait, that’s not a joke?