Poor goose
Poor goose
They just hate that I’m right
There’s some good advice below. I’m not a programmer (vastly different field), but the most important things you can do are to:
get to know your technical people; their skills, and their personalities
trust your technical people when they say something is difficult to do.
These two steps will help you get a lot of ‘good will’ from your team and make them feel like you’ve got their back.
Hello fellow cubicle mouse
Unrelated anecdote:
I was driving one time, and got lost in my city. I drove a church. Their billboard read:
Lost? Come in and ask for directions! As in the spiritual kind.
Anyway, I decided to drive on, and get progressively more lost. I decide to turn around. I make my way back to the church, and on the reverse side of the billboard:
Need a sign from god? This could be it!
So I stopped and asked for directions…
Honestly, my thoughts bounce around like an angry bee in a coffee can. It sucks.
I’m probably undiagnosed inattentive. I’m also not one to make a statement like that lightly. I’m notorious among my social circle for diving down rabbitholes and sending them endless mental lint articles. I wish I could turn it off sometimes.
I’m on a big blocking spree, but moslty for non English communities.
196 is fucking brilliant though
think it comes from the ‘debate me bro’ atmosphere that seemed prevalent on Reddit
Fuck, seriously, tell me about it. I hated that part of reddit so much. Pedantic narcissists.
I agree with everything you said in your comment.
That’s the thing though. If they downvote and move on, then they aren’t adding anything to the conversation. If they downvoted, and then said why, it would spur more discussion. That’s all I’m getting at in this post. By talking about differences in opinion with civility in mind, we avoid echo chambers and all the other negative shit that goes with it.
Speak for yourself