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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The woo-ey aspects are actually pretty interesting. Since the mechanism relies on focusing your subconscious, belief is crucial. If you don’t believe in your goal, and the efficacy of the method, your subconscious won’t buy-in, and without subconscious buy-in it flat out doesn’t work. Subconscious buy-in is the mechanism. You can’t try to consciously trick the subconscious, it’s in there with the one trying to trick it. You have to really believe.

    A lot of people can’t believe that it’s internal. They don’t think that ability could possibly be in them anywhere, so in order to cultivate the requisite belief they have to attribute the mechanism to some kind of external woo. So even if the woo isn’t real, belief in the woo can be integral to the mechanism working.

  • That’s part of it, but not all. The world is a vast and complex place, you cannot possibly engage with, or even notice, the majority of the information available to your senses.

    Your subconscious mind filters out information which isn’t significant to you, and draws attention to information which is. This is why when you get a car, it suddenly seems like everyone got that same make and model. That model didn’t become more popular, you just now have a reason to notice what was already there.

    The Law of Attraction is one incarnation of the intentional exploitation of this psychological phenomenon. By attaching significance to some goal, and reinforcing that significance, you train your subconscious mind to notice opportunities in service of that goal.