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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • … as opposed to American Spyware? I’m no fan of any governments, including both Chinese and American (not fully anti government, just think all need drastic improvments) but while I understand calling it Spyware, the focus on Chinese feels a bit sinophobic. Facebook does bad spying work too, plus has run experiments on users live. Cambridge Analytica stole info for political means as well. Google, ISPs, and many other info sites collect and sell info on you, and many of them will submit info to governments when requested. X/Twitter is run by an egotistical MAGA idiot who is blocking stuff he doesn’t like but allowing Nazis to be broadcast to everyone.

    They should all be considered similarly problematic.

  • That’s just your myopic opinion. Plenty of people live fulfilling lives without random chance of an early death being their meaning of living. Perhaps you’re misunderstanding my original comment. I didn’t say immortality (though several religions do promise that as an afterlife), nor did I say unlimited wishes. I mostly said stuff like fatal diseases, daily needs, and unfair deaths like genocides, etc. You added in plane crashes, which also isn’t necessary for a fulfilling life.

    It sounds a bit like you’re a zero sum person, like not everyone in the world can have basic needs. As a reminder, we’re discussing this under the assumption there is a loving omnipotent we can pray to. If the world is so messed up that people can’t even expect to not die horribly of stuff that just happens to them outside their own choices, or where not everyone had an equal opportunity to just live a simple life and have their needs met, then that suggests that an omnipotent God decided to make life that way, and such a being is not deserving of my worship, and hasn’t proved their existence.

  • Lots of people. You enjoy people dying for no fault of their own? I don’t need planes crashing. I don’t have a personal need of guns, and if there were no unjust threats, why is a gun necessary? As for crime, crime is really a construct based on a created morality, so that’s up in the air.

    My examples were about innocent people suffering, and it feels like your response is “Who would want to live in a world where innocent people don’t suffer?” I almost think you’re joking, because that’s a seriously messed up thing to admit about yourself, much less assume everyone else agrees.

  • Yeah, they probably were. I might be a bit more sensitive because I’ve seen people ruined by simple stuff like this, and algorithms that encorage going further down the shock, anger, and fear pipeline. I’m pretty adamant that people fact check instead of being shocked, as those moms and aunties might become future Ashli Babbitts. That of course could be just me paying more attention to that side of indoctrination, because I worry what harm it could cause.

    Still, I was mostly engaging in an discussion that cherry picked stuff is dangerous even if people don’t think it is. Plenty of people have been radicalized starting with jokes and minor misunderstandings that never got corrected. I try to at least steer people towards looking into things even occasionally on joke posts. It may be overreacting, but I remember a time where I was dumb enough to accept “Nice guys finish last” as a somewhat true joke.

  • When you aren’t an expert, then you try to find answers by looking it up, as I explained. It isn’t hard, and this one in particular is a common joke. On some subjects a simple search won’t work as well, I’ll grant you that. However you seemed hellbent on defending people jumping to conclusions without som3 due diligence. That’s on the person. Misinformation spreads because lazy people want to go off of gut reactions and not even make sure the stuff they spread is true or a misunderstanding.

    Why are you so invested in not even trying to fact check? Apologies if that isn’t your point, because it sure feels like it.

  • Well, we don’t really care about a natural emotion reaction in yout head. Once you start spreading it around and claiming something about it, then its a problem. If you just spread it as a “look at this weird thing I found, isn’t it funny?” That’s also fine. However, if you start spreading it like “can you believe this?” without checking into it, then you’re either gullible to the point of the internet being dangerous for you, or you’re complicit.

  • Part of the whole panic and cherry picking thing is also an important next step: refusal to do proper research. A simple web search would correctly show you that it’s harmless. One might also find sources that claim it’s actually satanic, but they’d find those in blogs, social media, or message boards, while legitimate and official sites would show the correct info.

    It’s up to the person to determine which one is correct. Most logical people would go with the simplest and least sensational definition being the correct one, while those with a conspiratorial mind view would ignore such common sense and choose to panic.

  • You have so much to learn about people who feed into the Satanic panic. Cherry picking is by definition how they get there. One of Alex Jones biggest boggiemen for years was a subsection of a law that allowed medical testing on troops, and he always ignores the very next section that states that it all requires informed consent. Then lies and act like people would have no idea.

    During covid he found an exercise that tried to assume 4 different future scenarios that may come into play, and ignored the positive leaning ones or nuetralish ones and went straight for the heavily authoritarian exercise because it used a possible pandemic as a background setting, then claimed it was all planned out and proof Covid was a bioweapon attack.

    People like this willfully ignore things that give context, and will often repackage it without the context anytime they can.