A classic nerd from Norway.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • The way I see it, explaining others also helps me understand it better. If its so basic (or too advanced) that I get nothing out of explaining, then I leave it to better suited people to help them instead. Being on these kindsa forums, its supposed to be enjoyable for both the teacher and the student. I don’t see any shame in dropping it as soon as it turns frustrating.

  • The most active famous person I’ve found on Mastodon is @georgetakei@universeodon.com .

    Other famous people:

    • @JenMsft@mastodon.social - Popular Microsoft engineer. Active.
    • @neilhimself@mastodon.social - Neil Gaiman. Not very active, mostly do reposts. He said he’d answer on Mastodon though, if he can.
    • @shanselman@hachyderm.io - Scott Hanselman. Popular Microsoft dev. Active.
    • @adamconover@mastodon.social - Adam Conover. Occasionally posts a youtube link to his show. Not much more interaction.
    • @JeriLRyan@mastodon.world - Jeri Ryan, another Star Trek actor. Not active for 2 months now.
    • @gretathunberg@mastodon.nu Greta Thunberg. Not posted anything for a few months now.

  • Zeal got Net Framework. The download for it is huge. And not particularly good. Lot of just class definitions with no guidance. DevDocs has a request/voting thingy (somewhere, I dont remember where, just that I’ve seen it) which documentation we want them to include next.

    All these docs, both devdocs and zeal, is auto-generated from existing and publicly available docs. The doc apps only advantage is a single source and faster and easier search.