Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.


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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2022

  • You don’t have to actually do a real project. It’s more about doing a task that requires you to create outside the hand holding.

    After 15 years of OS and embedded systems development I learned web dev by creating a SaaS for my HOA’s property manager to communicate with tenants. Node, React, MongoDB, docker, iOS and Android apps. Did the project look good? Nope. Did I have to dig into manuals and debug for weeks, yep. But I easily stepped into a new role in an industry I had never worked in because I really learned the tech stack. Actually using the app wasn’t necessary, just that I actually had to create things requiring me to design around the technology I was learning.

    Pick a problem in your life and solve it. Doesn’t need to become something you sell or publish or even use after you’re done learning. But the point is to actually use your skills.

  • I’m saying that the work they would be doing in two days isn’t the same as solving an actual problem. The way to really learn a language/framework/library is to actually use it in a real project. You run into pitfalls, you get compile errors and have to figure out how to debug in said tech, you find out how extentions to the tech work so you can create your own. Making a Todo Front End isn’t going to cover the vast majority of the stuff I’d expect one to know or experience when you say you “know” a language/framework/library/etc.

  • jecxjo@midwest.socialtoProgrammer“Hire me”
    1 year ago

    Because anyone worth their salt knows that the superficial hello world example covers the tip of the iceberg. So to say you learned it in two days means you either don’t get that you barely scratched the surface or you dont get what other developers really need when they hire someone with knowledge in a specific framework.