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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Christianity killed civilised debates. They took over the economically conservative side and turned it into the party of intolerant theocracy. Anyone who disagrees with them and their hate speech is l labeled as ‘immoral’ and ‘demonic,’ and immediately dismissed and shunned rather than logically debated. The emotional reaction to this hate (as expected) has also lacked logic, because you can’t debate a force that labeles decent morality and acceptance as evil, and calles evil, hatred, and bigotry “morality.”

    Christianity by its very nature takes the Bible as the absolute word of ‘god.’ And the Bible is explicitly intolerant of homosexuality, LGBTQ+ rights, and religious freedom. To follow that religion is to be intolerant and label everyone else as demonic. To claim to follow it, yet be tolerant and decent, is to compromise on the very core of the religion. It is, at that point, not Christianity.

    If you accept others, and support their rights, and do not think homosexuality and other religions are evil, don’t claim to be a Christian. The Christians will tell you that. Others will tell you that. Do not be afraid to reject a doctrine built on hate, and simply accept only some of Jesus’ words as those of a very wise man, not ‘god.’

    To truly have free debate, to argue freely without Christian morality labeling dissenters as evil, we must remove Christianity from politics. And to do that, because of its very nature (that they must make others comply to ‘save’ them), it cannot happen until Christianity is dead.