Tech & Gaming

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Be realistic. If every movie ever produced were legally available on IA, no one would ever buy a movie again. If no one ever buys a movie again, the industry would crumble overnight and there would no longer be new movies. Libraries exist in the physical space under much stricter limitations. They simply can’t stock a million copies of the same thing. The logistics limit them. Going digital is a paradigm shift that causes the entire model to be questioned, especially if these pieces of media aren’t being paid for.

  • Yea, the one I see the most is calling something racist when it’s in any way excludes white men. It may be a far-right tactic muddying the waters, but often it’s just naivety. I fell into that trap early in my life too. Difference was I never stopped learning. The things that seemed bad on the surface became a lot clearly once my curiosity forced me to figure out how and why those things started. Turns out, and I don’t want to blow anyone’s minds here, just about everything has a backstory and a really good reason for it. Shocker I know. Doesn’t mean it all ended up working as intended or anything, and some things are truly nefarious, but ultimately glossing over the history is what leads people to these bad takes.