Thanks, I think the RGB shirt might be custom to him because the same image is his YouTube channel’s profile header image.
Thanks, I think the RGB shirt might be custom to him because the same image is his YouTube channel’s profile header image.
Does Technology Connections sell shirts? In most of his recent videos he has worn a black shirt with zoomed in RGB pixels from a digital display and I’ve been looking for it everywhere because I work in a related industry.
The analogy talks about mixing samples of music together to make new music, but that’s not what is happening in real life.
The computers learn human language from the source material, but they are not referencing the source material when creating responses. They create new, original responses which do not appear in any of the source material.
The difference is that some users have been using sync for a decade and using Lemmy for only a month. So it’s a lot easier to mentally justify supporting a developer who you’ve been benefiting from for so long.
I have also donated to my local instance, I really hope to see it all grow together.
You’re already on hundreds of cameras by walking into any airport in the world. Do they need your consent to run facial recognition software on the security footage?