Father, Hacker (Information Security Professional), Open Source Software Developer, Inventor, and 3D printing enthusiast

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Just a point of clarification: Copyright is about the right of distribution. So yes, a company can just “download the Internet”, store it, and do whatever TF they want with it as long as they don’t distribute it.

    That the key: Distribution. That’s why no one gets sued for downloading. They only ever get sued for uploading. Furthermore, the damages (if found guilty) are based on the number of copies that get distributed. It’s because copyright law hasn’t been updated in decades and 99% of it predates computers (especially all the important case law).

    What these lawsuits against OpenAI are claiming is that OpenAI is making a derivative work of the authors/owners works. Which is kinda what’s going on but also not really. Let’s say that someone asks ChatGPT to write a few paragraphs of something in the style of Stephen King… His “style” isn’t even cooyrightable so as long as it didn’t copy his works word-for-word is it even a derivative? No one knows. It’s never been litigated before.

    My guess: No. It’s not going to count as a derivative work. Because it’s no different than a human reading all his books and performing the same, perfectly legal function.

  • If you install Firefox Focus and make it your default browser on Android the Jerboa client (and others I think) will use it when loading links unless you have a specific app associated with a given URL (e.g. NYT app, NPR app, etc).

    If you’re not familiar with Firefox Focus it’s a version of Firefox built for privacy. It basically makes it so that every URL you load behaves like a private browser tab. It also has ad-blocking built in which is sweet (though it doesn’t work on everything/not as good as uBlock Origin).

    Oops: Just realized your question is related to Mastodon and not Lemmy. Though I’m certain that Firefox Focus would work the same way for Mastodon clients.

    Actually, I just checked Tusky and yes, it does load URLs in Firefox Focus. So my advice is still good 👍

  • Maybe we should take a page from the Trumpers here and declare it a conspiracy!

    The deep state doesn’t want people following Harris! They don’t want you to know about it. They think they know better than you!

    “Let me tell you, folks, I know how to follow people and this Twitter situation smells. I know all about smelling. Smells. Smelling. Smell… Ling! The word just sounds awful, right? They want you to smell things. They’re coming for your smells!”

    Haha, yeah… This is Elon Musk’s X.com we’re talking about. It’s just sheer incompetence and the usual buggy bullshit. We should expect this as normal X behavior at this point. Is anyone really surprised that X is suddenly throwing errors when users try basic functionality? Come on. The platform is garbage and that’s not even taking account the garbage present on the platform.

  • At my company I use a virtual desktop and it was restored from a nightly snapshot a few hours before I logged in that day (and presumably, they also applied a post-restore temp fix). This action was performed on all the virtual desktops at the entire company and took approximately 30 minutes (though, probably like 4 hours to get the approval to run that command, LOL).

    It all took place before I even logged in that day. I was actually kind of impressed… We don’t usually act that fast.

  • I don’t think anybody is facing any consequences for contracting with CrowdStrike.

    This is the myth! As we all know there were very serious consequences as a result of this event. End users, customers, downstream companies, entire governments, etc were all severely impacted and they don’t give a shit that it was Crowdstrike’s mistake that caused the outages.

    From their perspective it was the companies that had the upstream outages that caused the problem. The vendor behind the underlying problem is irrelevant. When your plan is to point the proverbial finger at some 3rd party you chose that finger still–100% always–points to yourself.

    When the CEO of Baxter International testified before Congress to try to explain why people died from using tainted Heparin he tried to hand wave it away, “it was the Chinese supplier that caused this!” Did everyone just say, “oh, then that’s understandable!” Fuck no.

    Baxter chose that Chinese supplier and didn’t test their goods. They didn’t do due diligence. Baxter International fucked up royally, not the Chinese vendor! The Chinese vendor scammed them for sure but it was Baxter International’s responsibility to ensure the drug was, well, the actual drug and not something else or contaminated.

    Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_heparin_adulteration