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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Let me weigh in with something. The hard part about programming is not the code. It is in understanding all the edge cases, making flexible solutions and so much more.

    I have seen many organizations with tens of really capable programmers that can implement anything. Now, most management barely knows what they want or what the actual end goal is. Since managers aren’t capable of delivering perfect products every time with really skilled programmers, if i subtract programmers from the equation and substitute in a magic box that delivers code to managers whenever they ask for it, the managers won’t do much better. The biggest problem is not knowing what to ask for, and even if you DO know what to ask for, they typically will ignore all the fine details.

    By the time there is an AI intelligent enough to coordinate a large technical operation, AIs will be capable of replacing attorneys, congressmen, patent examiners, middle managers, etc. It would really take a GENERAL artificial intelligence to be feasible here, and you’d be wildly optimistic to say we are anywhere close to having one of those available on the open market.

  • I agree with you that Lemmy may be more left-leaning than other social media platforms due to the lack of bot activity. However, I think it’s also important to consider the type of content that is shared and discussed on Lemmy. As a platform focused on creativity and expression, there may be an inherent bias towards progressive or left-leaning ideas and discussions. Additionally, Lemmy’s community guidelines prioritize kindness and respect, which can create a space where voices from marginalized communities feel safe to share their opinions and experiences. Overall, while bot activity certainly plays a role in shaping the political climate of social media platforms, I believe that Lemmy’s unique culture and values also contribute to its overall political orientation.

    That being said, I appreciate your comment and am glad to see thoughtful discussion happening on Lemmy! Let’s keep building a supportive and inclusive online community together.