• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • What I’m seeing here is someone who REALLY likes witty quips, but is very upset that nobody else appreciates them.

    I’m with you, buddy. None of my snappy responses ever convinced a bully that I was worthy of respect, but his constant repetition of movie quotes always got a chuckle from his cronies.

    Smart people know big words, but smarter people know when to use them. Making an impression on others isn’t about proving that you have higher value than someone else, it’s about proving that you are one of them. Reminding people that you’re different from them pushes you away.

    Or, I might just be projecting shit I’ve been through. Maybe it’s useful to someone.

  • I feel like you googled the word and consider that truth without really looking at the nuance of how the phrase evolved.

    Long ago, there was a saying that “no two snowflakes are alike.”

    Decades ago: We personified it to promote diversity. “We are all individuals, just like snowflakes!” The point of this was to get people to look past stereotypes. People weren’t defined by their ethnicity, they were individuals and you should judge them for the person they are, not by their appearance.

    Within the past few years: Conservatives use the term sarcastically. Delicate snowflakes, try so hard to be unique but melt if you look at them wrong! Meaning, instead of fitting in, they want to be different, but when we bully them for being different, they get upset.

    So, yes, it’s about uniqueness, but when used as an insult, it’s more focused on fragility.

  • We don’t have to like it, but it would be stupid to deny it.

    I suspect it was ingrained into us a long time ago when survival required us to rely on each other more. If the only butcher in town didn’t like you, you either learn to enjoy being vegetarian, or learn to chop them up yourself.

    Every generation has taught their kids how to fit in. “You can’t leave the house wearing that. Don’t slouch. Please and thank you. Go to church. Don’t meow at people. Get a haircut. Go to college. Get a good job. Have more sex. Don’t have sex.”

    But, I’m noticing every generation is a little more relaxed than the last, possibly because it’s now very possible to exist without directly interacting with anyone.

    Right now, Boomers are pissed that they had to dress properly, be polite, pretend to be straight, hide all emotion, never be wrong but don’t be a nerd, show up early, work late, and force themselves into the mold of the families they saw on TV.

    They used bullying to “educate” each other on how to “stay in line”. But now, nobody’s beating up the nerds and the freaks, and the gays. People are more comfortable to be who they are, so they aren’t hiding it. I think this is wonderful! Fear doesn’t have to decide who we are! But they see THE ONE RULE OF SOCIETY breaking apart. YOU MUST FIT IN TO SURVIVE! and if people aren’t fitting in, society can’t survive.